This is early beta for now! Can't handle all templates properly


Vastaanotettu Hilmaan2022-04-14
Ilmoituksen numero2022-098757
TED numero2022/S 076-207950
OstajaorganisaatioLappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT (0245904-2 )
Yliopistonkatu 34
FI-53850 Lappeenranta
Hankinnan otsikkotiedotAutomated assessment system
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus
Originaali JSON tietue98757.json


Hankinnan lyhyt kuvausThe LUT Universities are looking for an automated assessment system for grading programming submissions. The aim of this investment is to acquire Software as a Service solution integrated to LUT Moodle learning management system. LUT University departments of software engineering, computational engineering, electrical engineering and mathematics produce circa 100 000 submissions per year over dozens of courses and the grading of this number of submissions is not possible without automation. The number of submissions by students is expected to increase. The universities are looking for an easy-to-use and maintain SaaS-based solution that does not require a lot of integration work or education for teachers or students. The acquired solution is aimed to replace many of the existing SaaS and inhouse solutions to automatically assess code submissions.
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) pääIT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (72000000)
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muut
Pääasiallinen suorituspaikka
