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Vastaanotettu Hilmaan2021-07-02
Ilmoituksen numero2021-078369
TED numero
OstajaorganisaatioBusiness Finland Oy (0512696-4 )
PL 358
FI-00181 Helsinki
Hankinnan otsikkotiedotDevelopment of a mission-based operating concept and impact evaluation framework
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus
Originaali JSON tietue78369.json


Hankinnan lyhyt kuvausThis document is a Request for information concerning the Development of a mission-based operating concept and impact evaluation. Business Finland’s missions concept is a new future-oriented and dynamic way of working. Our intention is to seek clear future business opportunities especially from topics that are in transition. With the mission concept we want to ensure that Finnish competitiveness is well built on these fields and Finnish companies are capable to capture these opportunities besides economic value, boost additional value (speed up systemic change) in the Finnish society. The presented procurement for expert resources relates to subprojects 1 "Concept design" and 2 "Development of the impact evaluation framework." Business Finland request to comments on the Service description, the minimum requirements and the comparison criteria for the procurement. The documents are attached to this Request for Information. Service providers are kindly requested to send their comments by email to [email protected], preferably by 16 August 2021. Please write into the subject field of the email "Development of a mission-based operating concept and impact evaluation framework".
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Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muut
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