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Vastaanotettu Hilmaan | 2024-01-24 |
Ilmoituksen numero | 2024-141371 |
TED numero | |
Ostajaorganisaatio | HUS-yhtymä (1567535-0 ) Uutistie 3 C FI-01770 Vantaa |
Hankinnan otsikkotiedot | Request for information on ddPCR probe service |
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio | |
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen | |
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus | |
Originaali JSON tietue | 141371.json |
Hankinnan lyhyt kuvaus | This is not a call for tenders and we are not asking for any offers via this announcement. This prior information notice does not obligate the procurement unit for any actions. All information presented in this prior information notice is preliminary and indicative. This notice is not binding on any kind of solutions or actions. The suppliers are not paid for responding to this request for information or participating in a possible technical dialogue. HUSLAB Laboratory of Genetics at HUS (Helsinki University Hospital) Diagnostic Center is a SFS-EN ISO 15189:2022 accredited laboratory providing diagnostic and follow-up genetic testing services to all patients at Helsinki University Hospital area. The services include analysis of both constitutional samples and malignancies. Currently, Taqman probes have been used for years in our laboratory processes including droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) for example for follow-up in hematological malignancies. The oligos used in the laboratory are mainly custom made Taqman DNA probes. Due to fast growing amount of samples laboratory is seeking for a full service ready-to-use custom made probes for given DNA/RNA variation (including CNVs and fusions). The estimated volume would be xx labelled probes per year. This Request for Information is released for preliminary evaluation and market research for potential replacement solutions for planning, synthesizing and pre-validating custom made probe process of HUSLAB. The probes must be suitable for the QX200 ddPCR System (BIO-RAD) and ddPCR Supermix for Probes no dUTP. The main objects of this information request are: 1) Is the assay design portal available for customers ? 2) What kind of information of variant is needed for the assay design ? Target sequence, mutation, COSMIC number ? 3) Probes may be labeled with FAM, HEX, or VIC fluorophores. 4) Which Quencher molecule is used for the TaqMan probe? 5) Probe length should be average of 120 bp. 6) What is the concentration of probe and volume scale ? 7) Are the primer and the probe sequences available for the customer ? 8) Are probes also possible to be multiplexed eg. IDH1 mutations in codons 132 and 172 ? 9) Is it possible to order pre-validated assays and custom assays ? 10) How is validation performed and is the document also available for customer ? 11) Any lists of validated probes available ? 12) Are positive and negative controls for both pre-validated and custom assays available for the customer to verify the assay performance ? 13) How is CNV probe been normalized, is the normal control also included in probe mix ? The response to this request information should include description of the ready-to-use custom oligo-probe service offered. An estimation of the turn-around-time and cost of service should also be included. All information obtained will be held confidential. We wish to receive a response to our request at the latest on 14.02.2024. The answers to this request for information are asked to be sent by e-mail to: |
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) pää | Laboratoriolaitteet, optiset ja tarkkuuslaitteet (lukuun ottamatta silmälaseja) (38000000) |
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muut | Laboratoriolaitteet, optiset ja tarkkuuslaitteet (lukuun ottamatta silmälaseja) (38000000) |
Aluekoodi | FI1 |
Pääasiallinen suorituspaikka |