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Vastaanotettu Hilmaan2023-03-16
Ilmoituksen numero2023-123225
TED numero
OstajaorganisaatioPääkaupunkiseudun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy - Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd. (3251002-1 )

FI-01022 Helsinki PL 100
Hankinnan otsikkotiedotRequest for information: Helsinki and Espoo metro track geometry measurements
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus
Originaali JSON tietue123225.json


Hankinnan lyhyt kuvausMarket consultation – Helsinki and Espoo metro track geometry measurements: As a part of the metro line maintenance program Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd. (MAT) (also referred to as "City Transport" and in Finnish "Pääkaupunkiseudun Kaupunkiliikenne") is going to perform a metro track geometry and conductor rail condition measurements in spring 2024. The objective is to acquire a service package which includes these measurements and also user licenses to supplier graphical interface software tool to be able analyse these results. As an option MAT is interested to acquire a service contract for 10 years which includes two further measurement sessions (year 2027 and 2030) of the whole metro line. Please refer to Helsinki-Espoo metro line short overview (attachment). For the purpose of better understanding of the available measurement services MAT would like to request the suppliers to provide a technical product/service presentation. Further to the presentation, it would be of MAT interest to discuss the circumstances and technical information (e.g. track details, metro wagon technical details used in the measurements etc.) that the supplier needs from MAT to be able to prepare a call for tenders at a later stage. The measurements services is expected to include at least the following: • Metro track geometry and conductor rail measurements carried out with operating voltage of 750V in real time and to be done on both sides of the metro wagon. • The measurements shall be performed at the normal traffic speed (max. speed is 80 km/h) • Metro track and conductor rail video recordings. The video recordings shall be possible to perform also in dark and in raining conditions. • The measured data should be possible to analyse with provided software tool by the contractor to be able to generate reports (e.g. numerical and graphical results etc.) • Measured data in numerical form and also presented as a summary report with interpretation of the obtained measurement results The track geometry measurements should include: • track video recordings • track position data • gauge • twist • curve radius • cant • rail head wear The conductor rail measurements should at least include: • conductor rail video recording • conductor rail distance and height from the rail tracks • conductor rail wear Optional measurements could include for example: • conductor rail current and voltage measurements • additional information recordings / measurements of metro track structures like tunnels, bridges, station platforms, crossovers, semaphores etc. Supplier meetings, market consultation: By publication of this notice, MAT notifies interested parties with the stated relevant experience (potential suppliers) that it intends to undertake a preliminary market consultation in the form of meetings with potential suppliers. The period 30 March – 20 April 2023 is earmarked for conducting 9 separate 2-hour sessions with potential suppliers. The purpose of the meetings is not negotiation but for Metropolitan Area Transport to gather opinions and statements from the market in relation to the intended procurement. The scheduled meeting slots are: 30.3.2023 09:00-11:00 EET and 13:00-15:00 EET 31.3.2023 09:00-11:00 EET and 13:00-15:00 EET 4.4.2023 13:00-15:00 EET and 15:00-17:00 EET 17.4.2023 13:00-15:00 EET 20.4.2023 09:00-11:00 EET and 13:00-15:00 EET The language of the meetings is Finnish or English. The meetings will be conducted online via Teams. If you wish to meet with Metropolitan Area Transport, please send an email with the subject "20H23 Meeting request – [your company name]" to the address [email protected] and [email protected] not later than 27.3.2023 12:00 EET requesting your individual meeting slot from the selection indicated above and informing in your email the meeting participant names and email addresses. MAT will send a Teams meeting invitation link to the email addresses indicated in the request email. In case of overlapping requests, slots will be distributed in the incoming order of the requests. Should any interested parties be considering collaboration with other private sector partners (key sub-contractors/supply chain/consortium) MAT would encourage a combined level of representation at the Supplier meeting. Attend Supplier meeting: To present your comments on this intended procurement to MAT representatives and confidentially discuss them, please attend your individual online meeting. Please be prepared to provide a technical product/service presentation. The agenda may be specified by MAT in the Teams meeting invite. *** This notice launching the Market consultation will be published on the official electronic notice board for public procurement in Finland in the address The notice is not an invitation to tender but a preliminary market consultation in accordance with the applicable Finnish public procurement law (section 69 of the Act no. 1398/2016, Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts for entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors). In addition, MAT may dispatch the notice directly to potential suppliers for attention. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice is not intended to be taken as a call for competition, and any subsequent procurement process will be subject to a further contract notice. Parties should note that participation in this preliminary market consultation process is not a prerequisite to participating in any subsequent procurement process nor does lack of participation create an obstacle for taking part in the process. Interested parties should note that MAT accepts no liability for any costs howsoever incurred by interested parties in respect of participating in this process.
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) pääRailway-track inspection services (71631470)
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muutResearch services (73110000)
Engineering services (71300000)
Technical inspection services of engineering structures (71631400)
Analysis services (71620000)
Bridge-inspection services (71631450)
Railway engineering services (71311230)
Support services for railway transport (63711000)
Pääasiallinen suorituspaikka
