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Vastaanotettu Hilmaan2019-12-31
Ilmoituksen numero2018-019096
TED numero
OstajaorganisaatioSuomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto (0202132-3 )
PL 160
FI-00181 Helsinki
Hankinnan otsikkotiedotGreen paper on Human-driven data economy
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) arvio
Hankinnan yhteenlaskettu kokonaisarvo koko ajalle (ilman alv:ta) lopullinen
Alkuperäinen ilmoitus
Originaali JSON tietue10356.json


Hankinnan lyhyt kuvausWe are looking for a partner to co-publish a well-written analytical green paper about human-driven data economy. The organization should have good pre-knowledge in EU strategies related to digital single markets and existing contacts in Brussels to decision makers. The analysis should be done on basis of a high-level decision maker interviews. While we have a solid picture of what the human-driven data economy could look like, we would like to understand better how the rest of the world sees it and shape a common European vision. We think that the data economy itself has not yet fulfilled its promise. Europeans would benefit if the decision makers had a better understanding of what easy and secure utilization of data actually means and what should be done to make it happen. The output of this tender will be a green paper about Human-driven data economy. By green paper we mean a published document which aims to bring the concept of human-driven data economy into public debate and discussion. It should be written so that it is understandable for decision makers without previous knowledge on the issue. Beside explanation of the subject the paper should also propose a roadmap how to get to the ideal position from today’s reality.
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) pää
Hankintanimikkeistö (CPV) muut