    "id": 93369,
    "procurementProjectId": 65600,
    "noticeNumber": "2022-093369",
    "reducedTimeLimitsForReceiptOfTenders": false,
    "corrigendumAdditionalInformation": [],
    "creatorSystem": "Cloudia Kilpailutus",
    "type": 100,
    "legalBasis": "32014L0024",
    "project": {
        "id": 65600,
        "title": "Treatment and recovery of plastic waste\/Request for information",
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        "organisation": {
            "id": "5a4709e5-faa4-4b3c-2cfd-08d78deb351a",
            "information": {
                "officialName": "HSY Helsingin seudun ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6palvelut -kuntayhtym\u00e4",
                "nationalRegistrationNumber": "2274241-9",
                "nutsCodes": [
                "postalAddress": {
                    "streetAddress": "PL 300",
                    "postalCode": "00066",
                    "town": "HSY",
                    "country": "FI"
                "telephoneNumber": "+358 503448302",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "contactPerson": "Jasmin Karell",
                "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.hsy.fi",
                "validationState": 0
            "contractingAuthorityType": 4,
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    "objectDescriptions": [
            "mainCpvCode": {
                "code": "90500000",
                "name": "Refuse and waste related services",
                "vocCodes": [
                        "code": "AB06",
                        "name": "Plastic"
            "quantityOrScope": [],
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                    "code": "90500000",
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            "descrProcurement": [
                "The Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY) receives plastic waste imported as small loads to Sortti Stations by households and business customers. Hard plastic items (e.g. with markings PE-LD, PE-HD, PP) and soft plastics, such as film plastics, are received in the plastic collection of Sortti Stations. Sortti Stations mainly collect plastic items and waste which are not part of producer responsibility. In 2021, a total of about 530 tonnes of plastic was received at Sortti Stations. Received plastic is currently delivered in small batches to different processors for test processing or stored in a compacted form in \u00c4mm\u00e4ssuo eco-industrial centre\u2019s interim storage.",
                "With this request for information, HSY surveys processors, service providers and methods to utilise Sortti Stations\u2019 separately collected plastic waste. The objective of HSY is to find an operator who can process and utilise the entire amount of plastic  received at Sortti Stations. HSY\u2019s goal is that the plastic waste will be utilised as material, for example, as raw material for recycled plastic or in other ways.",
                "Suppliers responding to the request for information are expected to present their own solutions and their own development ideas boldly and innovatively. The supplier is not required to provide a ready-made or already in production solution for the processing of plastics.",
                "HSY reserves the right to invite or not to invite suppliers for further market dialogue. The Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority will not pay for any work related to this request for information or to the potential market dialogue. The market dialogue with the suppliers is planned to be held in February\u2013March 2022.",
            "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false,
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            "officialName": "HSY Helsingin seudun ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6palvelut -kuntayhtym\u00e4",
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            "postalAddress": {
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                "postalCode": "00066",
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                "country": "FI"
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            "email": "[email protected]",
            "contactPerson": "Jasmin Karell",
            "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.hsy.fi",
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        "electronicAddressToSendTenders": "https:\/\/tarjouspalvelu.fi\/hsy?id=387125&tpk=d86dded2-7f6b-42fc-b974-908c4309a01e",
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        "name": "Jasmin Karell",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "+358 503448302"
    "procurementObject": {
        "shortDescription": [
            "This notice is not a prior information notice, call for tenders, contract notice or an invitation to a negotiated procedure, and the publication of the notice will not launch a competitive tendering process. This notification is a request for information to identify the different treatment and recovery methods for plastic waste received at Sortti Stations available or planned on the market. ",
        "estimatedValue": {
            "type": 0
        "estimatedValueCalculationMethod": [],
        "mainCpvCode": {
            "code": "90500000",
            "name": "Refuse and waste related services",
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                    "code": "AB06",
                    "name": "Plastic"
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        "additionalInformation": [
            "HSY will send the interested parties documentation and appendices describing in more detail the plastic collection at Sortti Stations, the types of plastic, the objectives of the request for information and instructions for preparing the request for information responses. Operators interested in the request for information are asked to enquire about the documentation and appendices by email to [email protected].",
            "HSY asks potential operators to send a response to the request for information to [email protected] no later than 1 March 2022.",
            "All inquiries related to the request for information should be sent to [email protected].",
            "If the company considers that any part of the tender contains information that is confidential under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities, such as trade secrets, the company must disclose this information in a separate appendix. The appendix must be named so that the name of the appendix begins with the word \u201cCONFIDENTIAL\u201d. In addition, the proposed trade secrets in that appendix should be underlined, marked with the word \u201cCONFIDENTIAL\u201d or otherwise CLEARLY HIGHLIGHTED and DISTINGUISHED from the rest of the text. ",
        "validationState": 0
    "datePublished": "2022-02-18T05:05:08.9893776",
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