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        "id": 62775,
        "title": "Cash flow forecasting system ",
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                "contactPerson": "Hansel Ltd, Janne Valtavaara",
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                "See section II.1.4) \"Short description\"."
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        "shortDescription": [
            "The Finance Division of the Finnish State Treasury is in charge of central government debt servicing and cash management as well as administration of loans, interest subsidies and parliamentary loan guarantees granted from government funds.",
            "As an integral part of its cash management and debt servicing, the State Treasury maintains and supervises a cash flow forecasting system that is collecting information from all government budgetary agencies regarding expenditures and receivables. There are circa 70 different forecast units and 200 end users in the system. All combined, the units utilize 800 domestic bank accounts. In addition to the EUR denominated cash pool, the State Treasury manages cash pools in 12 different foreign currencies. ",
            "The forecast system should support a variety of modern interface solutions for both incoming and outgoing data to\/from banks and to\/from other financial management systems. The system should also have tools for manual forecast input, forecast analytics and cash flow reporting.",
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            "code": "72000000",
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            "State Treasury of the Republic of Finland is planning to start a public tender for a cash flow forecast system during the spring of 2022. Please note that this is a prior information notice (\"hereafter notice\") and is not a call for  tenders. Answering or not answering to this request for information shall not preclude participation in a possible tender competition that is planned to start in spring 2022.",
            "Companies interested in this upcoming procurement are requested to provide their contact details and answers to the market dialogue part 1 questions by e-mail to [email protected]. Please use the headline \"State Treasury of the Republic of Finland - Cash flow forecasting system - market dialogue part 1\". The last registration date is January 19th, 2022. ",
            "MARKET DIALOGUE",
            "The market dialogue may consist of three different parts:",
            "1. Registration of the interested companies to the market dialogue and answering to the below shown market dialogue part 1 questions.",
            "2. Separately, company-specific remote meetings may be arranged during spring 2022 in order to see a demo of an existing cash flow forecasting system. The selection of the companies to the remote meetings will be made based on the answers that are given to the market dialogue part 1 questions.",
            "3. The intention of the State Treasury is to send a draft versions of call for tenders and its appendices to the registerated interested tenderers in spring 2022. Interested tenderers are given the opportunity to comment on the draft material in writing. ",
            "1. Company name, contact person name, telephone and email.",
            "2. Cash flow system name and short description of the system, it's main modules and functionalities.",
            "3. Short description of the platforms from which by the system can be used (e.g. SaaS, on premise and\/or a cloud owned by the customer)? In case the system is delivered on SaaS bases, do you deliver it always only based on your standard terms or are you flexible to use purchaser\u2019s basic SaaS terms as common in public tenders?",
            "4. If the system is provided in SaaS-environment, in which ETA-countries the servers are located?  ",
            "5. Short description of the system\u2019s integrations interfaces which are ready for use. Are there any system integrations made for Finnish banks? ",
            "6. Does your system support forecast modeling either with a built-in tool or by importing data from an external analytics tool? If you have a built-in tool, is there a limit to the number of different forecasting models in use (ie. is it possible to use a different model for each forecast unit)? ",
            "7. Briefly describe the interface for manual input in your system: Can the user produce a series of forecasts within the tool? Is Excel import supported?",
            "8. Briefly describe the reporting tool of your system: Does your system support daily cash flow forecasts for up to 400 days? Is it possible to incorporate functions within the reports? Is there a drill-in function in the reporting tool? What kind of export methods for reports are supported by the system?",
            "9. What kind of pricing and licensing models does your company use when selling the system? Do you use different models or do you have only one option? ",
            "10. Can you give a short 30 minutes system demo that contains the basic user tasks and some integrations of the existing system?",
            "11. How many deliveries of the system you have made to different customers during the past three years? Could you please name a few relevant customer reference projects? Is it possible to contact those customers as part of the market dialogue? ",
            "The information provided in this notice is preliminary and is subject to change during preparation of the tender process. ",
            "This request for information does not oblige State Treasury of the Republic of Finland to carry out the actual tender competition.",
            "Hansel Ltd , a central purchasing body, has a consultative role in this market dialogue process.",
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