    "id": 83959,
    "procurementProjectId": 59458,
    "noticeNumber": "2021-083959",
    "reducedTimeLimitsForReceiptOfTenders": false,
    "corrigendumAdditionalInformation": [],
    "creatorSystem": "Cloudia Kilpailutus",
    "type": 100,
    "legalBasis": "32014L0024",
    "project": {
        "id": 59458,
        "title": "Request for Information: Finnvera document generation and transfer solution",
        "contractType": 2,
        "procurementCategory": 1,
        "referenceNumber": "H2021022",
        "jointProcurement": false,
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        "organisation": {
            "id": "befc5287-2b92-4add-2d51-08d78deb351a",
            "information": {
                "officialName": "Finnvera Oyj",
                "nationalRegistrationNumber": "1484332-4",
                "nutsCodes": [
                "postalAddress": {
                    "streetAddress": "PL 1010 (Porkkalankatu 1)",
                    "postalCode": "00101",
                    "town": "Helsinki",
                    "country": "FI"
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.finnvera.fi",
                "validationState": 0
            "contractingAuthorityType": 64,
            "otherContractingAuthorityType": "Public service mission",
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            "mainActivity": 16,
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    "objectDescriptions": [
            "mainCpvCode": {
                "code": "72000000",
                "name": "IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support",
                "vocCodes": []
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            "mainsiteplaceWorksDelivery": [],
            "descrProcurement": [
                "The procured system will be at first utilized by finance case origination and servicing suites currently in use at Finnvera. Other systems requiring document generation may be integrated later. Generated documents include for example offer letters, contracts, notification letters and various reports. A separate service is in use for processing sent invoices.",
                "Documents are generated for multiple purposes. Certain documents are delivered to customers or financial institutions either by physical mail (a separate printing and mailing service is in use) or by the Finnvera online service. Other documents are only for Finnvera internal use. ",
                "Documents may have predefined headers and footers and may require a formal layout. In addition to text, documents may contain pictures as well as tables, lists and other usual structural items. ",
                "Documents will be stored in Finnvera document management system, which is at the moment Sharepoint based, but may change in the future. Generated documents may be viewed or edited as part of the business process during which the documents are generated."
            "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false,
            "awardCriteria": {
                "criterionTypes": 8,
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            "officialName": "Finnvera Oyj",
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            "postalAddress": {
                "streetAddress": "PL 1010 (Porkkalankatu 1)",
                "postalCode": "00101",
                "town": "Helsinki",
                "country": "FI"
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.finnvera.fi",
            "validationState": 0
        "otherAddressForProcurementDocuments": {
            "nutsCodes": [],
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    "contactPerson": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
    "procurementObject": {
        "shortDescription": [
            "This document is not a prior information notice, a contract notice or an invitation to tender and the purpose of the publication of the document is not to start a tendering process. Participating to a potential future tendering process does not require giving information to this request. ",
            "The purpose of the request for information is to explore information system solutions for generating digital documents in PDF- and MS Office compatible formats. Finnvera\u2019s prime objective with this RFI is to learn about available alternatives and market offerings in order to formulate requirements that would enable a successful sourcing process. The objective is not to evaluate solutions against a detailed set of requirements or compare vendors against each other.",
            "Specifically, Finnvera wants to understand",
            "a) Capabilities of solutions related to managing and transferring metadata as well as coordinating document transfer based on metadata. Metadata could include information of e.g. customer and financial case. Metadata can be used for example to access documents in the document management systems or to forward documents to correct recipients.",
            "b) Document template management capabilities and supported template formats",
            "c) Capabilities for supporting multiple languages and multiple document versions",
            "d) Supported integration interfaces and data formats",
            "e) Support for embedding preformatted data (e.g. images, tables, XHTML)",
            "f) Capabilities for generating editable\/non-editable PDF files and support for editable fields (plain text\/rtf) in PDF files.",
            "g) Capabilities for viewing and editing generated documents",
            "h) Hardware or environment requirements",
            "i) Delivery models",
            "j) Suitable contract models (structure, key terms, term).",
            "Finnvera is required to follow several requirements and recommendations set for providers of financial services as well as public services. For this reason Finnvera wants to understand:",
            "k) Approaches taken to ensure that solution meets the requirements set in the General Data Projection Regulation 2016\/679. ",
            "l) Approaches taken to ensure that generated documents meet the requirements set in the accessibility directive 2016\/2102 as implemented in Finnish law 306\/2019 (WCAG 2.1 is used as the reference for practical requirements). Documents that are provided to Finnvera customers through Finnvera online service are required to be accessible.",
            "m) Approaches that should be taken to make the solution compliant with the recommendations stated in FSA 1\/2012 \u201cOutsourcing in supervised entities belonging to the financial sector\u201d or EBA 2\/2019 Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements.",
            "Partial solutions are also taken into account. Please note that an actual printing service or a physical mailing service are not to be included; documents are to be processed in digital format only.",
            "Companies interested in the matter are requested to send descriptions of available solutions, a short description of the company, information of supported pricing models and information whether the solution is available for demonstration or trial purposes."
        "estimatedValue": {
            "type": 0
        "estimatedValueCalculationMethod": [],
        "mainCpvCode": {
            "code": "72000000",
            "name": "IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support",
            "vocCodes": []
        "defence": {
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                    "type": 0
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                    "type": 0,
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        "additionalInformation": [
            "Finnvera is a specialized financing company, owned by the State of Finland, and supplements the financing services provided by the private sector. Finnvera and its subsidiary Finnish Export Credit Ltd (FEC) have an official Export Credit Agency (ECA) status. Finnvera has 360 employees and has commitments totaling over EUR 20 billion. ",
            "Finnvera\u2019s role is to, by means of financing, promote the growth, internationalisation and exports of Finnish enterprises, as well as to contribute to the realization of the government\u2019s goals regarding regional development in Finland. The pillars of Finnvera\u2019s strategy are customer experience, competent personnel, partner network, digitalisation and self-sustainability. Finnvera aims to produce an excellent customer experience with industry expertise and agile operating practices. To secure self-sustainability we seek to ensure the efficiency of our processes and risk management.",
            "Finnvera provides financing for the start, growth and internationalisation of enterprises and guarantees against risks arising from exports. Finnvera strengthens the operating potential and competitiveness of Finnish enterprises by offering loans and domestic guarantees for SMEs, as well as export credit guarantees and other services associated with the financing of exports. The risks included in financing are shared between Finnvera and other providers of financing. Finnish Export Credit Ltd provides interest equalization and financing of export credits.",
            "Companies interested in the matter are requested to send descriptions of available solutions, a short description of the company, information of supported pricing models and information whether the solution is available for demonstration or trial purposes.",
            "Please send your answer to [email protected] by 5th November, 2021 4 pm.",
            "Any questions concerning this request for information should be sent by email to: [email protected]. Mark the message as 'QUESTION:  Finnvera document generation and transfer solution\u2019. The questions must be submitted by October 26th, 2021 12 pm (noon). Finnvera will respond to the questions on a best effort basis by October 29th, 2021 4 pm.",
            "The questions and answers may be submitted in Finnish or English."
        "validationState": 0
    "datePublished": "2021-10-15T12:20:07.0751692",
    "state": 2,
    "tedPublishState": 4,
    "tedSubmissionId": "20211013-006228",
    "tedPublishRequestSentDate": "2021-10-13T12:17:37",
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        "ojs_number": "202",
        "no_doc_ojs": "2021\/S 202-527644",
        "publication_date": "2021-10-18T07:00:00",
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    "hilmaSubmissionDate": "2021-10-13T12:17:06.8709655",
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    "dateModified": "2021-10-18T07:00:19.9816444"