    "id": 76298,
    "procurementProjectId": 55413,
    "noticeNumber": "2021-076298",
    "reducedTimeLimitsForReceiptOfTenders": false,
    "corrigendumAdditionalInformation": [],
    "creatorSystem": "Cloudia Kilpailutus",
    "type": 9901,
    "project": {
        "id": 55413,
        "title": "Tietopyynt\u00f6: Digitaalinen Kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\/Information request: Electronic meeting system (EMS)",
        "contractType": 2,
        "procurementCategory": 1,
        "referenceNumber": "Vd\/6641\/\/2021",
        "jointProcurement": false,
        "procurementLaw": [],
        "centralPurchasing": false,
        "coPurchasers": [],
        "validationState": 0,
        "organisation": {
            "id": "4b8437f2-d2f4-4223-2cf0-08d78deb351a",
            "information": {
                "officialName": "Vantaan kaupunki",
                "nationalRegistrationNumber": "0124610-9",
                "nutsCodes": [
                "postalAddress": {
                    "streetAddress": "PL 1100",
                    "postalCode": "01030",
                    "town": "Vantaan kaupunki",
                    "country": "FI"
                "telephoneNumber": "+358 405168769",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "contactPerson": "Anne Lindblad-Ahonen",
                "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.vantaa.fi",
                "validationState": 0
            "contractingAuthorityType": 4,
            "contractingType": 0,
            "mainActivity": 1,
            "mainActivityUtilities": 0,
            "validationState": 0,
            "dataSource": 0,
            "identifierMissing": false
        "state": 1,
        "defenceWorks": 0,
        "defenceSupplies": 0,
        "publish": 2,
        "agricultureWorks": 0,
        "isPrivate": false,
        "isConcluded": false,
        "tendering": 0
    "lotsInfo": {
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        "lotsSubmittedFor": 0,
        "lotsSubmittedForQuantity": 0,
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        "lotsMaxAwardedQuantity": 0,
        "lotCombinationPossible": false,
        "lotCombinationPossibleDescription": [],
        "validationState": 0
    "objectDescriptions": [
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            "nutsCodes": [],
            "mainsiteplaceWorksDelivery": [],
            "descrProcurement": [
                "T\u00e4m\u00e4 tietopyynt\u00f6 julkaistaan sek\u00e4 suomen ett\u00e4 englannin kielell\u00e4.",
                "This information request is published both in Finnish and in English.",
                "T\u00e4m\u00e4n tietopyynn\u00f6n tarkoituksena on kartoittaa avoimen l\u00e4hdekoodin digitaalisia kokousj\u00e4rjestelmi\u00e4 markkinoilla. Etsitt\u00e4v\u00e4n digitaalisen kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee tukea kuntien yhteiskehitt\u00e4mist\u00e4. ",
                "J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee perustua ilmaiseen avoimeen l\u00e4hdekoodiin. ",
                "Yll\u00e4pitovaiheen mahdollinen markkinakartoitus tai kilpailutus suoritetaan erikseen.",
                "A. Tietopyynn\u00f6n kohde",
                "Tietopyynn\u00f6n kohde on kuntien yhteisk\u00e4ytt\u00f6inen avoimen l\u00e4hdekoodin digitaalinen kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4. ",
                "B. Olemme kiinnostuneita avoimen l\u00e4hdekoodin digitaalisesta kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4st\u00e4, joka t\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 seuraavaksi kuvatut tarpeet ja tuoteominaisuudet tai johon seuraavat ominaisuudet voidaan kehitt\u00e4\u00e4 ennen j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6nottoa, tai sen yll\u00e4pitovaiheessa:",
                "1. Markkinakartoituksen kohteena oleva Digitaalinen kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 perustuu avoimeen l\u00e4hdekoodiin ja se on ilmaisessa jakelussa",
                "2. kokousten \u00e4\u00e4ni ja kuva saadaan ensisijaisesti kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4st\u00e4, mutta sit\u00e4 voidaan my\u00f6s k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 olemassa-olevien j\u00e4rjestelmien rinnalla, kuten Teams tai Zoom ",
                "3. j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tuottama tieto tulee olla saatavissa raportteihin osa-alueittain. J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 tuottaa erikseen m\u00e4\u00e4ritelt\u00e4vi\u00e4 raportteja, jotka ovat my\u00f6s siirrett\u00e4viss\u00e4 Exceliin",
                "4. j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 on oltava integroitavissa erilaisiin kuntien k\u00e4ytt\u00e4miin taustaj\u00e4rjestelmiin niin, ett\u00e4 j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tuottama tieto voidaan siirt\u00e4\u00e4 muun muassa",
                "o asianhallintaj\u00e4rjestelmiin ",
                "o talousj\u00e4rjestelmiin",
                "o palkkioidenmaksatusj\u00e4rjestelmiin ",
                "o julkaisuj\u00e4rjestelmiin ja verkkosivuille",
                "5. J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\u00e4n tulee olla ",
                "o mahdollista kirjautua tai tunnistautua vahvan tunnistautumisen j\u00e4rjestelmill\u00e4",
                "o tuki mobiilik\u00e4ytt\u00f6liittym\u00e4lle (responsiivisuus) ",
                "o j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee tukea monikielisyytt\u00e4 ja saavutettavuutta. P\u00e4\u00e4kielet ovat suomi, ruotsi ja kolme saamenkielt\u00e4",
                "o j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee olla skaalattavissa niin, ett\u00e4 ",
                "\uf0a7 suuri osa suomalaisista kunnista k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\u00e4",
                "\uf0a7 jokaisessa kunnassa on lukuisia toimielimi\u00e4, jotka voi k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\u00e4 samanaikaisesti",
                "\uf0a7 jokaisessa toimielimess\u00e4 voi olla kymmeni\u00e4 k\u00e4ytt\u00e4ji\u00e4",
                "6. Tietoturva ja tietosuojavaateet vastaavat yleist\u00e4 kuntien tietoturvatasoa",
                "7. Kokouksen yll\u00e4pit\u00e4j\u00e4\/j\u00e4rjest\u00e4j\u00e4: J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4ss\u00e4 tulee olla mahdollista toteuttaa luottamushenkil\u00f6kokouksissa tarvittavat",
                "o \u00e4\u00e4nestykset (avoin \u00e4\u00e4nestys ja suljettu lippu\u00e4\u00e4nestys)",
                "o l\u00e4sn\u00e4olo- ja kokousk\u00e4ytt\u00e4ytymistietojen ker\u00e4\u00e4minen ja jakaminen, sis\u00e4lt\u00e4en aikaleimat",
                "o kokouksen hallinnointi",
                "o kokouksen l\u00e4sn\u00e4olijoiden ja \u00e4\u00e4nioikeutettujen hallinta",
                "o kokouksessa jaettavan materiaalin hallinta, jakaminen ja automaattinen muodostaminen",
                "o puheenvuorojen hallinta",
                "8. Kokouksen osallistuja: J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee mahdollistaa kokousosallistujille (luottamushenkil\u00f6t) ",
                "o kokouksessa jaettavan materiaalin tarkastelu j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n avulla",
                "o tarkastella omia henkil\u00f6tietojaan, jotka k\u00e4ytt\u00e4j\u00e4 on ilmoittanut kaupungille",
                "o tarkastella omia kokoustietojaan (menneet ja tulevat kokoukset, l\u00e4sn\u00e4olo- ja, \u00e4\u00e4nestystiedot, aikaleimat, esteellisyystiedot)",
                "o ilmoittaa poissaoloista kokouksissa",
                "o ilmoittaa esteellisyydest\u00e4 asiakohdassa",
                "o pyyt\u00e4\u00e4 puheenvuoroja ja repliikkipuheenvuoroja",
                "9. J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4ss\u00e4 tulee olla mahdollista j\u00e4tt\u00e4\u00e4 ja\/tai allekirjoittaa",
                "o muutosesityksi\u00e4",
                "o p\u00f6yt\u00e4kirjalausumia",
                "o eri\u00e4vi\u00e4 mielipiteit\u00e4",
                "o valtuustoaloitteita",
                "o kysymyksi\u00e4 viranhaltijoille",
                "C. Tietopyynn\u00f6n vastaukseen tulee sis\u00e4lty\u00e4 mm. seuraavat asiat:",
                "\u2022 Vastaukset yll\u00e4 oleviin asioihin (kohta B) kyll\u00e4\/ei vastauksin",
                "\u2022 Lyhyt kuvaus tuotteen toiminnasta",
                "The purpose of this information request is to chart open-source electronic meeting systems on the market. The open-source electronic meeting systems we are looking for must support joint development of all the municipalities. ",
                "The system must be based on free-of-charge open-source code. ",
                "We will separately perform a potential market chart or tendering.",
                "D. Subject of information request",
                "The subject of the information request is an open-source electronic meeting system (EMS) to be jointly used by all the municipalities. ",
                "E. We are interested in an open-source electronic meeting system that meets the requirements and properties described below or for which the following features can be developed before adopting the system or during its maintenance:",
                "10. The subject of the market chart, the electronic meeting system, is based on open-source code and it is in free distribution",
                "11. The sound and video of meetings will be primarily recorded in the meeting system but can also be used together with existing systems such as Teams or Zoom ",
                "12. The information produced by the system must be available for reports per element. The system produces separately specified reports that can be exported to Excel",
                "13. The system must be such that it can be integrated in various backup systems used by the municipalities in such a way that the information produced by the system can be exported to, among others",
                "o document-management systems ",
                "o financial-management systems",
                "o remuneration-payment systems ",
                "o publication systems and websites",
                "14. The system  ",
                "o must be accessible by strong login or identification systems",
                "o must support mobile user interface (responsiveness) ",
                "o must support multilingualism and accessibility. The main languages are Finnish, Swedish, and three Sami languages",
                "o the system shall be scalable in such a way that ",
                "\uf0a7 the majority of Finnish municipalities uses the system",
                "\uf0a7 each municipality has numerous bodies that can use the system simultaneously",
                "\uf0a7 each body may have dozens of users",
                "15. The system\u2019s data security and data protection requirements meet the general data-security level of the municipalities",
                "16. The meeting administrator\/organizer: The system must be capable of implementing the following required for trustee meetings",
                "o voting (open vote and closed ballot)",
                "o collecting and sharing attendance and meeting behavior data, including time stamps",
                "o management of meetings",
                "o management of attendees and of those entitled to vote",
                "o management of material distributed in the meetings and automatic formation of it",
                "o management of addresses",
                "17. Participant in the meeting: The system must allow the participants in meetings (trustees) ",
                "o to view the material distributed in the meeting with the help of the system",
                "o to view their own personal data that the users have reported to the city",
                "o to view their own meeting data (past and future meetings, attendance and voting data, time stamps, conflict of interest data)",
                "o to inform about absences at meetings",
                "o to inform about conflict of interest concerning a subject",
                "o to ask for addresses and reply addresses",
                "18. The system must enable leaving and\/or signing",
                "o amendment proposals",
                "o protocol statements",
                "o differing opinions",
                "o city-council initiatives",
                "o questions to the authorities",
                "F. The response to this information request shall include, among other things, the following:",
                "\u2022 Yes\/no answers to the above issues (section B)",
                "\u2022 A short description of the product\u2019s functioning",
            "disagreeAwardCriteriaToBePublished": false,
            "awardCriteria": {
                "criterionTypes": 8,
                "qualityCriteria": [],
                "costCriteria": [],
                "priceCriterion": {},
                "criterion": [],
                "criteriaStatedInProcurementDocuments": false
            "estimatedValue": {
                "type": 0
            "timeFrame": {
                "type": 0,
                "canBeRenewed": false
            "candidateNumberRestrictions": {
                "envisagedNumber": 0,
                "envisagedMinimumNumber": 0,
                "envisagedMaximumNumber": 0,
                "selected": 0
            "optionsAndVariants": {
                "variantsWillBeAccepted": false,
                "partialOffersWillBeAccepted": false,
                "options": false,
                "optionType": 0
            "tendersMustBePresentedAsElectronicCatalogs": false,
            "euFunds": {
                "procurementRelatedToEuProgram": false
            "additionalInformation": [],
            "awardContract": {
                "contractAwarded": 0,
                "awardedContracts": []
            "validationState": 0
    "communicationInformation": {
        "procurementDocumentsAvailable": 0,
        "additionalInformation": 1,
        "additionalInformationAddress": {
            "officialName": "Vantaan kaupunki",
            "nationalRegistrationNumber": "0124610-9",
            "nutsCodes": [
            "postalAddress": {
                "streetAddress": "PL 1100",
                "postalCode": "01030",
                "town": "Vantaan kaupunki",
                "country": "FI"
            "telephoneNumber": "+358 405168769",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "contactPerson": "Anne Lindblad-Ahonen",
            "mainUrl": "http:\/\/www.vantaa.fi",
            "validationState": 0
        "otherAddressForProcurementDocuments": {
            "nutsCodes": [],
            "validationState": 0
        "sendTendersOption": 1,
        "electronicAddressToSendTenders": "https:\/\/tarjouspalvelu.fi\/vantaa?id=355864&tpk=f97de2ea-14c3-4f9f-ba6b-2e0e2fe47dff",
        "addressToSendTenders": {
            "nutsCodes": [],
            "validationState": 0
        "electronicCommunicationRequiresSpecialTools": false,
        "documentsEntirelyInHilma": false,
        "specsAndAdditionalDocuments": 0,
        "validationState": 0
    "contactPerson": {
        "name": "Anne Lindblad-Ahonen",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "+358 405168769"
    "procurementObject": {
        "shortDescription": [
            "T\u00e4m\u00e4 tietopyynt\u00f6 julkaistaan sek\u00e4 suomen ett\u00e4 englannin kielell\u00e4.",
            "This information request is published both in Finnish and in English.",
            "T\u00e4m\u00e4n tietopyynn\u00f6n tarkoituksena on kartoittaa avoimen l\u00e4hdekoodin digitaalisia kokousj\u00e4rjestelmi\u00e4 markkinoilla. Etsitt\u00e4v\u00e4n digitaalisen kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee tukea kuntien yhteiskehitt\u00e4mist\u00e4. ",
            "J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee perustua ilmaiseen avoimeen l\u00e4hdekoodiin. ",
            "Yll\u00e4pitovaiheen mahdollinen markkinakartoitus tai kilpailutus suoritetaan erikseen.",
            "A. Tietopyynn\u00f6n kohde",
            "Tietopyynn\u00f6n kohde on kuntien yhteisk\u00e4ytt\u00f6inen avoimen l\u00e4hdekoodin digitaalinen kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4. ",
            "B. Olemme kiinnostuneita avoimen l\u00e4hdekoodin digitaalisesta kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4st\u00e4, joka t\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 seuraavaksi kuvatut tarpeet ja tuoteominaisuudet tai johon seuraavat ominaisuudet voidaan kehitt\u00e4\u00e4 ennen j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6nottoa, tai sen yll\u00e4pitovaiheessa:",
            "1. Markkinakartoituksen kohteena oleva Digitaalinen kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 perustuu avoimeen l\u00e4hdekoodiin ja se on ilmaisessa jakelussa",
            "2. kokousten \u00e4\u00e4ni ja kuva saadaan ensisijaisesti kokousj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4st\u00e4, mutta sit\u00e4 voidaan my\u00f6s k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 olemassa-olevien j\u00e4rjestelmien rinnalla, kuten Teams tai Zoom ",
            "3. j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tuottama tieto tulee olla saatavissa raportteihin osa-alueittain. J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 tuottaa erikseen m\u00e4\u00e4ritelt\u00e4vi\u00e4 raportteja, jotka ovat my\u00f6s siirrett\u00e4viss\u00e4 Exceliin",
            "4. j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 on oltava integroitavissa erilaisiin kuntien k\u00e4ytt\u00e4miin taustaj\u00e4rjestelmiin niin, ett\u00e4 j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tuottama tieto voidaan siirt\u00e4\u00e4 muun muassa",
            "o asianhallintaj\u00e4rjestelmiin ",
            "o talousj\u00e4rjestelmiin",
            "o palkkioidenmaksatusj\u00e4rjestelmiin ",
            "o julkaisuj\u00e4rjestelmiin ja verkkosivuille",
            "5. J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\u00e4n tulee olla ",
            "o mahdollista kirjautua tai tunnistautua vahvan tunnistautumisen j\u00e4rjestelmill\u00e4",
            "o tuki mobiilik\u00e4ytt\u00f6liittym\u00e4lle (responsiivisuus) ",
            "o j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee tukea monikielisyytt\u00e4 ja saavutettavuutta. P\u00e4\u00e4kielet ovat suomi, ruotsi ja kolme saamenkielt\u00e4",
            "o j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee olla skaalattavissa niin, ett\u00e4 ",
            "\uf0a7 suuri osa suomalaisista kunnista k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\u00e4",
            "\uf0a7 jokaisessa kunnassa on lukuisia toimielimi\u00e4, jotka voi k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4\u00e4 samanaikaisesti",
            "\uf0a7 jokaisessa toimielimess\u00e4 voi olla kymmeni\u00e4 k\u00e4ytt\u00e4ji\u00e4",
            "6. Tietoturva ja tietosuojavaateet vastaavat yleist\u00e4 kuntien tietoturvatasoa",
            "7. Kokouksen yll\u00e4pit\u00e4j\u00e4\/j\u00e4rjest\u00e4j\u00e4: J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4ss\u00e4 tulee olla mahdollista toteuttaa luottamushenkil\u00f6kokouksissa tarvittavat",
            "o \u00e4\u00e4nestykset (avoin \u00e4\u00e4nestys ja suljettu lippu\u00e4\u00e4nestys)",
            "o l\u00e4sn\u00e4olo- ja kokousk\u00e4ytt\u00e4ytymistietojen ker\u00e4\u00e4minen ja jakaminen, sis\u00e4lt\u00e4en aikaleimat",
            "o kokouksen hallinnointi",
            "o kokouksen l\u00e4sn\u00e4olijoiden ja \u00e4\u00e4nioikeutettujen hallinta",
            "o kokouksessa jaettavan materiaalin hallinta, jakaminen ja automaattinen muodostaminen",
            "o puheenvuorojen hallinta",
            "8. Kokouksen osallistuja: J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n tulee mahdollistaa kokousosallistujille (luottamushenkil\u00f6t) ",
            "o kokouksessa jaettavan materiaalin tarkastelu j\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n avulla",
            "o tarkastella omia henkil\u00f6tietojaan, jotka k\u00e4ytt\u00e4j\u00e4 on ilmoittanut kaupungille",
            "o tarkastella omia kokoustietojaan (menneet ja tulevat kokoukset, l\u00e4sn\u00e4olo- ja, \u00e4\u00e4nestystiedot, aikaleimat, esteellisyystiedot)",
            "o ilmoittaa poissaoloista kokouksissa",
            "o ilmoittaa esteellisyydest\u00e4 asiakohdassa",
            "o pyyt\u00e4\u00e4 puheenvuoroja ja repliikkipuheenvuoroja",
            "9. J\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4ss\u00e4 tulee olla mahdollista j\u00e4tt\u00e4\u00e4 ja\/tai allekirjoittaa",
            "o muutosesityksi\u00e4",
            "o p\u00f6yt\u00e4kirjalausumia",
            "o eri\u00e4vi\u00e4 mielipiteit\u00e4",
            "o valtuustoaloitteita",
            "o kysymyksi\u00e4 viranhaltijoille",
            "C. Tietopyynn\u00f6n vastaukseen tulee sis\u00e4lty\u00e4 mm. seuraavat asiat:",
            "\u2022 Vastaukset yll\u00e4 oleviin asioihin (kohta B) kyll\u00e4\/ei vastauksin",
            "\u2022 Lyhyt kuvaus tuotteen toiminnasta",
            "The purpose of this information request is to chart open-source electronic meeting systems on the market. The open-source electronic meeting systems we are looking for must support joint development of all the municipalities. ",
            "The system must be based on free-of-charge open-source code. ",
            "We will separately perform a potential market chart or tendering.",
            "D. Subject of information request",
            "The subject of the information request is an open-source electronic meeting system (EMS) to be jointly used by all the municipalities. ",
            "E. We are interested in an open-source electronic meeting system that meets the requirements and properties described below or for which the following features can be developed before adopting the system or during its maintenance:",
            "10. The subject of the market chart, the electronic meeting system, is based on open-source code and it is in free distribution",
            "11. The sound and video of meetings will be primarily recorded in the meeting system but can also be used together with existing systems such as Teams or Zoom ",
            "12. The information produced by the system must be available for reports per element. The system produces separately specified reports that can be exported to Excel",
            "13. The system must be such that it can be integrated in various backup systems used by the municipalities in such a way that the information produced by the system can be exported to, among others",
            "o document-management systems ",
            "o financial-management systems",
            "o remuneration-payment systems ",
            "o publication systems and websites",
            "14. The system  ",
            "o must be accessible by strong login or identification systems",
            "o must support mobile user interface (responsiveness) ",
            "o must support multilingualism and accessibility. The main languages are Finnish, Swedish, and three Sami languages",
            "o the system shall be scalable in such a way that ",
            "\uf0a7 the majority of Finnish municipalities uses the system",
            "\uf0a7 each municipality has numerous bodies that can use the system simultaneously",
            "\uf0a7 each body may have dozens of users",
            "15. The system\u2019s data security and data protection requirements meet the general data-security level of the municipalities",
            "16. The meeting administrator\/organizer: The system must be capable of implementing the following required for trustee meetings",
            "o voting (open vote and closed ballot)",
            "o collecting and sharing attendance and meeting behavior data, including time stamps",
            "o management of meetings",
            "o management of attendees and of those entitled to vote",
            "o management of material distributed in the meetings and automatic formation of it",
            "o management of addresses",
            "17. Participant in the meeting: The system must allow the participants in meetings (trustees) ",
            "o to view the material distributed in the meeting with the help of the system",
            "o to view their own personal data that the users have reported to the city",
            "o to view their own meeting data (past and future meetings, attendance and voting data, time stamps, conflict of interest data)",
            "o to inform about absences at meetings",
            "o to inform about conflict of interest concerning a subject",
            "o to ask for addresses and reply addresses",
            "18. The system must enable leaving and\/or signing",
            "o amendment proposals",
            "o protocol statements",
            "o differing opinions",
            "o city-council initiatives",
            "o questions to the authorities",
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            "\u2022 Yes\/no answers to the above issues (section B)",
            "\u2022 A short description of the product\u2019s functioning",
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