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            "The purpose of this Invitation to Tender is to request tenders on benchmark study to develop Finnish Lapland towards a year-round tourism destination, and more specifically to research Lapland\u2019s potential as a summer destination among activity enthusiasts.   ",
            "In Finland, the nature is the main tourism attraction, and nature is an important element in any tourism commodification. Nature plays an important role in outdoors tourism as well, and in the summer at the forefront are easy-to-implement and self-sustaining, light outdoor activities such hiking, cycling, mountain biking, kayaking and wildlife watching. In Finland, these outdoor activities are usually combined with the elements from local culture, food and sustainability, and oftentimes packaged by the local operators or by the distribution channels. ",
            " ",
            "Finnish Lapland has a strong brand as a winter travel destination. Strengths are nature-based exotic elements such as snow guarantee and long winter season, Northern lights, polar nights and untouched wilderness. Another key element is quality tourism services and outdoor activities such as cross- country skiing, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, sleigh rides and snowmobiling. While winter tourism is booming in Finnish Lapland, summer tourism is leaving behind. To improve sustainable travel and develop Lapland as a year-round destination new product and infrastructure planning is needed and planned. While Northern Lights appear as one of the unique selling points for Finnish Lapland in the winter, natural phenomena, such as midnight sun, could be as significant pull factor for summer as the Northern lights are for the winter. Many developments in the recent years in Finnish Lapland have been focusing on mountain biking, and the current infrastructure for such activity equals to many destinations known among mountain bikers and trekkers. For this reason, the key product for this study is chosen to be mountain biking; how to increase the awareness of Finnish Lapland among activity enthusiasts especially interested in mountain biking. This research aims to study, whether this stage can attract international visitors to experience active holidays in Lapland during the summer months from June to September.  ",
            " ",
            " Aim: To increase awareness of Lapland as an active holiday \/ outdoor destination (especially among activity enthusiasts)  ",
            " ",
            "Research questions: ",
            "\u2022\tBenchmark: what are \/ is a similar destination (accessibility wise) to Lapland, which has successfully built its brand around outdoor activities?   ",
            "\u2022\tBenchmark: what are \/ is a destination that has a successful process to turn the image from winter destination to summer activation through outdoor activities?   ",
            "\u2022\tWhat are Lapland\u2019s means of distinguishing itself from other similar destinations; what are the pull factors and unique selling points as an active holiday destination?  ",
            "\u2022\tDoes accessibility become a hindrance for the development of mountain biking in Lapland?  ",
            "\u2022\tIs an activity enthusiast interested in train travel and prepared to take a 10-hour train journey  from Helsinki to reach the destination in Lapland?  ",
            "\u2022\tMountain biking is the key product in this study. But what are the supporting products, services and activities, that already exists in Lapland, interest of  the target group?\u202f  ",
            "\u2022\tDoes an activity enthusiast look for guided or independent activities?  ",
            "\u2022\tIs the selected target group, activity enthusiasts, correct for this study?   ",
            "\u2022\tHow to reach this target group?   ",
            "\u2022\tHow much has been invested in mountain biking in Lapland?  ",
            "The maximum value of a report is EUR 30 000 (excluding VAT) and it will include all costs. Business Finland will not be responsible of any travel related costs or other extra costs incl. invoicing costs."
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            "If needed, the tenderer is obliged to give Business Finland the balancing of the accounts from two (2) previous accounting periods.",
            "Winner of the acquisition (The contractor) is obliged to, in case if needed, (or when requested by Business Finland), hand out the certificates of tax debts, extract from trade register, obligatory insurances and other certificates specified by Business Finland.",
            "The tendering organization\u2019s director or any person having powers of representation, decision or control on behalf of the tenderer has not been convicted by a judgement that has obtained the force of res judicata and is specified in a criminal record (Directive of The European Parliament and Council 2004\/18\/EC, Section 2, Article 45)",
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                "The estimated value of this procurement is based on appropriation to this procurement in Business Finland budgetary funds. The procurement is to be carried out according to the Guidelines for Procurement under national threshold value of Business Finland.",
                "In the event that none of the tenders received meet the requirements of the Invitation to tender as intended by Business Finland, or in the event that the conditions during the competitive bidding process change so that Business Finland will be unable to make use of the results of the bidding, Business Finland may wholly or partially interrupt the procurement procedure.",
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            "Invitation to tender for procurement under national threshold value: Benchmark study, Developing Finnish Lapland as a year-round travel destination through outdoor activities",
            "Appendix 2",
            "Business Finland General Conditions of Purchase of Expert Services ",
            "During the tendering procedure, the tenderers may request additional information only by e-mailing their questions to [email protected] . The subject of the e-mail must have the reference \u201dQuestion Benchmark study 30\/27\/2020\u201d. Please submit your questions and your return address (e-mail addresses) by no later than 26.6.2020 at 4 pm (Finnish time). No telephone enquiries or information requests will be answered. Answers to any additional questions can also be found in Hilma no later than 1.7.2020.",
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